Safe and decent work – related to UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 – is one of the material areas that AtSource has metrics in place for and reports on. It can be measured in many ways.From the number of child labour cases identified and remediated on farms, to the number of employees involved in hazardous roles in processing facilities.
All suppliers with products enrolled on AtSource must commit to compliance and reporting on health, safety and working conditions, as outlined in our Supplier Code.
AtSource+ also allows customers to track a number of key metrics across their supply chains including:
Number of farmers in a farmer group trained on good labour and health & safety practices
Number of farmers covered by an active and effective Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System
Percentage of employees trained on labour rights and practices
Number of employees occupying a position with hazard or at risk. For eg., handling chemicals or operating machinery
More info on metrics? Read here
Olam Coffee has launched ‘Coffee Kindergartens’ in four coffee communities in Guatemala providing safe spaces for children to play, learn and not work during the peak harvest period.
Read moreSee how tiles work
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