Rising population and increasingly unpredictable weather patterns are placing an immense strain on our global water resources. By 2025, it is predicted that half of the world's population will live in water-stressed regions.
Agriculture is the world’s largest user of water, consuming 70% of all freshwater resources. It is therefore important to find ways to conserve this precious resource in line with UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to combat increasing water scarcity.
There are many ways to tackle water waste while also protecting the yields that are vital to the livelihoods of farming communities. AtSource+ allows customers to calculate their total water footprint by measuring 19 different metrics across the end-to-end supply chain, from farm through to factory. We measure the water use associated with factors like land use change, irrigation, fertiliser and electricity use.
This gives customers a detailed view of their water footprint and where they can have the biggest impact. They also have the option to create a clear action plan and to track improvements in water use over time.
The metrics tracked on AtSource+ include:
Embedded water use (m3) related to producing energy used in processing
Water use (m3) related to energy consumed when producing and applying pesticides and fertilisers to land
Water use (m3) relating to growing seed(ling)s, and emissions related to uprooting and tree planting
Water use (m3) related across energy expended to process and transport materials
More info on metrics? Read here
As a highly water-intensive crop, onions require large quantities for irrigation in the field, which in drought-prone regions in particular, like California, is far from sustainable.
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